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  • Kelley Animal Hospital
  • 6101 Highway 804,
  • Conway,
  • South Carolina,
  • 29527
  • Phone: (701) 640-7310


Behavior & Training

  • Head Halter Training for Dogs

    Los collares de cabeza se utilizan como alternativa a los collares convencionales porque tienen muchas ventajas. Por un lado, permiten conseguir un mejor control del animal con menos esfuerzo; por otro lado, los perros que tiran demasiado con los collares tradicionales pueden lesionarse el cuello y, aunque los collares de cabeza tampoco deberían utilizarse cuando este tipo de lesiones ya se ha producido, son por lo general más seguros y evitan que el animal se agobie y se encuentre parcialmente asfixiado al tirar.

  • Gentle, graceful and sweet, the Collie wags her tail gently whenever approached. Eyes seem to smile their welcome. They're willing to do the same chore again and again, only asking a loving touch in thanks.

  • Behavior Counseling: Diagnosing a Behavior Problem - Is It Medical or Behavioral?

    Los problemas de comportamiento pueden deberse a causas médicas, psicológicas o a una combinación de ambas. Una historia clínica minuciosa, un examen físico completo y una serie de pruebas diagnósticas apropiadas determinarán si hay alguna enfermedad que influya en el problema.

  • Compulsive disorders are repetitive behaviors done so frequently that they interfere with a dog's daily life. Some behaviors performed compulsively can cause physical injury. Compulsive disorders may reflect underlying behavioral illness, medical illness, or a combination. Treatment programs should address the behavioral and medical causes. Some aspects of behavioral treatment may need to be continued for the life of the dog.

  • Dogs and Destructive Digging

    Puede deberse a diferentes motivos: algunas razas, como las procedentes de lugares fríos (huskies, malamutes), escarban para hacer agujeros en los que tumbarse para estar más frescos. En verano y en días de calor, perros de cualquier raza pueden adoptar esta conducta.

  • Dogs and Destructive Chewing

    Los perros, en especial los cachorros, tienen una gran tendencia a la exploración y al juego, actividades que constituyen una parte importante de su desarrollo social y de su aprendizaje sobre el ambiente. Por lo tanto, el hecho de que los cachorros investiguen su entorno oliendo, probando sabores e incluso mordisqueando objetos de la casa, es un comportamiento normal.

  • Cats were once considered solitary creatures. We now know that they are, in fact, social animals who benefit from interaction with their own and other species. However, not all cats are social with other cats. The personality of each cat must factor into the decision to introduce a new cat to your home.

  • No, it is not a Lab with a perm - those fashionable and form-fitting curls are all natural for the aptly named Curly-Coated Retriever. One of the most eye-catching of the sporting breeds, the Curly boasts curls that would take us hours at the hairdresser to achieve, yet the coat maintenance of the Curly is surprisingly simple.

  • The Dachshund has an unmistakable look – long low body on short legs - that has earned it the nickname "Wiener Dog." Full of attitude, the Dachshund seeks the spotlight and demands attention, but offers loyalty, affection, and plenty of comedy in return.

  • Of all dog breeds, the Dalmatian is the most easily identified because of his distinctive coat. The image of a large white dog speckled with black spots all over his body, sitting on top of a fire truck or running along side a horse-drawn coach, is embedded in the minds of everyone, dog lover or no, regardless of age.